Decoding SPLOST II: A Pennies for DeKalb Overview

On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, DeKalb County residents will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the future of their community by voting on SPLOST II, often referred to as “Pennies for DeKalb.” In this post, we’ll break down what SPLOST II is all about, how it differs from previous SPLOST initiatives, and what it means for the county’s development. So mark your calendars and make your voice heard on this pivotal day!

SPLOST stands for Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. It’s a method for counties in Georgia to raise funds for specific projects and improvements without increasing property taxes. The idea is simple but powerful: a small increase in the local sales tax rate (hence “Pennies for DeKalb”) generates significant revenue for projects that benefit the community as a whole.

SPLOST II Allocations: A New Approach
One key feature that sets SPLOST II apart from its predecessors is the allocation of funds. With SPLOST II, 85% of the revenue generated will be earmarked for Transportation and Public Safety initiatives, which are vital components of a thriving community. This includes an emphasis on resurfacing roads, improving public safety facilities, and upgrading essential equipment.

In addition, 15% of the funds will be directed towards enhancing Parks, including athletic facilities, and Capital Repairs, ensuring that the county’s infrastructure remains in top shape. The diversification of these allocations aims to address critical areas and keep DeKalb County well-maintained and safe.

Historic First: Cultural, Recreational, and Historic Facilities
A significant highlight of SPLOST II is the introduction of a category dedicated to Cultural, Recreational, and Historic Facilities. This marks a historic first and emphasizes the importance of preserving DeKalb County’s rich history, promoting culture, and fostering recreational opportunities for residents. By approving SPLOST II, you play a part in supporting these valuable community assets.

Get Involved: Advance Voting Dates
Your vote can make a real difference in shaping the future of DeKalb County. You don’t have to wait until November 7th to cast your vote. Take advantage of Advance Voting on the following dates:

Monday–Friday (Oct. 16–Nov. 3) from 7 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday (Oct. 21 & 28) from 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Sunday (Oct. 22 & 29) from 12 p.m.–5 p.m.

EHOST: Property Tax Relief
In addition to SPLOST II, it’s worth mentioning the EHOST (Equalized Homestead Option Sales Tax), a one-cent sales tax designed to provide property tax relief for qualified homeowners in DeKalb County. If you have an approved homestead exemption, you qualify for EHOST, which results in a credit on your annual property tax bills. It’s another way DeKalb County is looking out for its residents.

Conclusion: Your Voice Matters
SPLOST II is an opportunity to invest in the betterment of DeKalb County. The success of this referendum depends on the community’s voice and the collective vision for the county’s future. So, on November 7, make your voice heard and participate in this vital decision. Your contribution helps shape a brighter tomorrow for DeKalb County.

Join Dearborn Park Cleanup Event – Join Us on Sunday, November 5th!